Birthday Parties
Birthday Parties are FUN at Red Rose Arena !
Contact us at to discuss party availability!
Party room and turf field for your guests.
Our parties can be big or small but always fun and family oriented!
Invite the whole team!
Q: Can we just have a regular party at Red Rose Arena? Does it have to be for a birthday?
A: Absolutely you can have any sort of gathering or party you'd like! Other party occasions we suggest are; Holiday Celebrations, End of sports season bash, Champions Celebration parties, Graduation parties, Schools out celebration, Family Reunions, any occasion that you want to get together with a bunch of family/friends/teammates but don't want to host at your place because you don't want to deal with the clean up after (or before). We gotchu :)
Q: How long is the standard party package?
A: Our standard package includes 1 hour of field time and 2 hours for the party room. One of the party room hours overlaps the field hour so total party time would be 2 hours.
Q: 1 hour on the field is just not long enough, can we get more field time?
A: We do offer additional field time for an additional cost; however this is dependent on field availability during the time of your party. We are less likely to have 2 back-to-back hours available for a field during our Winter Seasons, but if you want 2 hours during this season it doesn't hurt to still ask in case we do happen to have the availability or a game or rental around your party time cancels.
Q: Is there a limit to how many people we can invite?
A: There is no official limit to how many kids you may invite, however keep in mind that the party room has enough chairs to seat up to 30 kids at a time.
Q: What equipment can you supply?
A: We can supply Soccer Balls, and if it's a party for Field Hockey players, we could get up FH Goals and supply balls for that. Otherwise, all other equipment and/or games would need to be brought by you.
Q: Does your staff run activities, or do we need to do that?
A: Typically, our staff is just there to ensure everything goes smoothly. Usually, the kids end up making up their own games or playing their own soccer scrimmages, or the family gets involved and runs activities or plays with the kids to create a more memorable and meaningful experience for the birthday child. However, if you really want to have someone else run activities, we could arrange to have a staff member help out with activities for an additional fee. This would need to be discussed ahead of time, so we have enough time to find proper staff and prepare.
Q: Can we bring our own decorations and decorate the room how we want?
A: Absolutely you can bring your own decorations! We just ask that if you bring balloons, please have them tethered to something that will keep them from floating up into our very tall ceilings.
Q: Can we arrive early to set up?
A: 99% of the time the room will be available at-least 15 min prior to your start time if you'd like to arrive early to set up. IF for some reason the party room is being occupied up to your start time, we will let you know when you schedule or reach out to let you know as soon as we are made aware of the scheduling conflict.
Q: I Want to bring tablecloths, how long are the tables so i make sure i get the right size?
A: The party room is equipped with two 7.5’ long tables, and 1 circle table. We also have a rectangular folding table we can bring out at your request if you need more table space.
Q: What's up with having such limited availability during the Winter season? Why advertise that you host parties if your schedule is always filled up?
A: There are a few different factors that contribute to this:
1- School is in session. This means our field availability times for youth are limited to after school hours.
2- During the winter season there is a higher demand for indoor sports training spaces due to no one really wanting to practice outside in the freezing cold (Understandably) so we have teams that will use our facility for reoccurring trainings, these are usually arrangements that are bound with contracts, so we can't just move them around to accommodate birthday parties.
3- During the winter season we run Youth, Adult and Field Hockey leagues. On average we get around 100+ teams across all our leagues and divisions every year. Thats A LOT of teams! We schedule all these games back-to-back every weekend through the season to better accommodate our teams and players. So, unless a team forfeits a game, which would create an available field, chances of us having availability for a late morning, afternoon or evening party on a weekend are very very slim.
4- Around all of this, we also try to run after school Youth Programs/Clinics throughout the school year to play our part in helping our communities' youth.
We advertise for birthday parties year-round because our players LOVE Red Rose Arena, and we want to give our players and other kids the opportunity to celebrate THEIR birthday with us, having a blast on our fields creating meaningful and lasting memories for years to come!! And while unfortunately we cannot accommodate every single family and player during this extremely busy time of year, we do our best to accommodate as many as possible on a first come first serve basis.
Q: So how do i increase my chances of securing a birthday party for my child during the winter season?
A: We recommend reaching out to Mikayla at months in advance to get put on our waiting list! That way once our game schedules are generated and our training contracts are scheduled, Mikayla can reach out to everyone on the list in the order that they reached out to discuss availability options.
We understand that the party planning process isn't necessarily easy, and a lot of people want to secure a venue and send invites far in advance to make sure enough people can come in order to make it worth the time and money, So if you reach out to be put on our wait list and decide it's just taking too long for us to get our game and training schedules set, and you decide to go somewhere else all, we ask is that you let us know to take you off of the wait list.